BeGREAT! Speakers Society

BeGREAT! Speakers Society Intro

Episode Summary

BeGREAT! Speakers Society enables you to: 1. Get more clients 2. Be the industry leader you desire and 3. Learn how to powerfully take the stage This introductory podcast gives you multiple proven tips of a powerful speaker, dynamic writer & teaches you to master your mindset.

Episode Notes

Mission: The BeGREAT! Speakers Society empowers coaches and consultants to gain more clients and credibility through creating a powerful stage presence, helping you to become a master storyteller, working with you to develop a dynamic writing style, and giving you the tools to create shifts in your mindset to be great in all these areas. 

 Vision: To empower influential coaches and consultants to master their story, the stage, and their world.

About Us

The BeGREAT! Speakers Society has three main areas of focus: 

1. How to rock the stage 

2. How to craft YOUR story in a dynamic way 

3. Mindset skill development so you can excel on and off the stage! 

When you put all three together, it’s a winning combination that will instantly raise your credibility as a leader and expert in your field.  Make more money and feel better about how you’re showing up in the world. What could be better? You’re a superstar, and the BG Speakers Society will help you to step into your true potential, to help you see (and feel!) this reality.